1. Meter and TempoMeter_and_Tempo.html
3. Voice LeadingVoice_Leading.html
4. Chord ProgressionsChord_Progressions.html

TRIPLETS are another form of rhythmic duration. The best way to understand how to notate the triplet is to understand some characteristics of it.

3 quarter note triplets takes the same rhythmic duration as a half note.

If we tie each quarter note triplet to the one in front of it, we get the same thing as if we notated half note triplets instead.

If quarter note triplets fit into the same duration as a half note, we can see that half note triplets equal a whole note’s duration, and eighth note triplets equal a quarter note’s duration.

All triplets must have this
sign to indicate that it is in fact a triplet - or else your notation will just look like mistakes.

Let’s compare this measure of eighth note triplets in 4/4, to a measure of all eighth notes in 12/8.

Whats the difference between these two examples? Would they sound different? The same?

There is one difference between these two examples - it is a very technical difference - and it has to do with pulses.

Remember, each 8th note grouping can be subdivided into 3 pulses. 12/8 meter actually implies we apply a STRONG - weak - weak- pattern to the pulses. This means that the very first eighth note of every 3 beamed (barred) together, will be accented (louder) in comparison to the others.

When using triplets, unless you accent notes with articulations or dynamics, the eighth notes will all have the same pulse volume.

All of these groupings are valid. We can apply rest symbols, dots, ties, and beams all inside the triplet sign.

Triplets are useful in duple and quadruple meters, since they allow us to apply compound pulses to simple meters. (see More on Time Signatures if you’re confused)

Meter and TempoMeter_and_Tempo.html
Voice LeadingVoice_Leading.html