We know an INTERVAL is two notes played simultaneously. A CHORD is any amount of notes more than that, played simultaneously.

2. FunctionsFunctions.html
3. Seventh ChordsSeventh_Chords.html
4. TensionsTensions.html

TRIADS are the most basic type of chord, containing 3 notes.

C maj;  C    E    G

Let’s break this down.

We build chords with 3rds.

(maj 3rd, min 3rd)

You might want to take a look at the interval chart again while learning how chords are built.

C to E is 4 half steps, which is a maj 3rd

E to G is 3 half steps, which is a min 3rd

We can see that the MAJOR TRIAD is built out of a maj 3rd interval on the bottom and a min 3rd interval on top.

We can number the notes 1, 3, 5  -  They represent the intervals made by the root of the chord and the other notes.



How do we construct a minor triad?



A good question to ask right now would be -
 “what if we stack a maj 3rd onto another maj 3rd?”
“we stack a minor 3rd on top of another min 3rd?”

        That’s a good question.

See below     

Intervals made from the root.

C to Eb is 3 half steps, which is a min 3rd.

Eb to G is 4 half steps, which is a maj 3rd.

C min;  C    Eb   G

Min 3rd on the bottom and maj 3rd on top.

C aug; 

C    E   G#

C dim; 

C    Eb   Gb





C to E is 4 half steps.

E to G# is 4 half steps.

C to E b is 3 half steps.


E b to G b is 3 half steps.

maj                                    maj 3rd + min 3rd

min                                    min 3rd + maj 3rd

aug                                    maj 3rd + maj 3rd

dim                                    min 3rd + min 3rd

Intervals within

Augmented and Diminished triads are known as symmetrical structures.


We get these Diminished and Augmented Triads.

5. InversionsInversions.html