1. Note Heads and Stem DirectionNote_Heads_and_Stem_Direction.html
3. Applying AccidentalsApplying_Accidentals.html
2. BarringBarring.html
5. Rhythm Slashes and the Drum SetRhythm_Slashes_and_the_Drum_Set.html
6. More on Time SignaturesMore_on_Time_Signatures.html
7. Other Staff SymbolsOther_Staff_Symbols.html
9. DynamicsDynamics.html
4. EnharmonicsEnharmonics.html
Other Staff SymbolsOther_Staff_Symbols.html
10. OrnamentsOrnaments.html
11. Writing StylesWriting_Styles.html

ARTICULATION refers to the quality of a sound. We can have notes be heavy and slow, or maybe quick and sharp. Articulation marks offer more description of what the writer wants;




Here we can see that we’re able to use combinations of articulation marks in order for more sounds.

These two type of accents are known as forzato and sforzando. They both indicate a note to be “heavier” than normal, although sforzando should be more so.


The staccato indicates that the duration of the note should be quicker than normal. This usually means a little longer than half the duration of the note.

The dot above the staff is a staccato - which means that the note underneath the staccato will have a shorter duration than the two unarticulated notes.
the Tenuto mark is a horizontal line above the note. The note marked with a tenuto should sound longer than the other two unarticulated notes.

Tenuto intends the note to be dullish, and held for its full duration up to the next note.

This note would sound shorter, and heavier than an unarticulated note.


Notes grouped into a slur implies that these notes should be played as one phrase, usually very smooth.

Slurs can go either above or below note heads and stems. You should make sure slurs and other staff symbols are clearly visible; ALL of them.
Ties can be used inside slurs too. Make sure everything is visible, since these symbols are similar.